Sunday, May 27, 2018

Look for an all-new, exciting-as-ever, reinvigorated Seeger Olympics, 2018 edition.

We will see exactly which Seegers want to be involved for this seven-month event, beginning in June and running until December 31, 2018. We do know that some (all) of the next generation -- Kylie, Davin, Claire -- are interested in being a part of it.

Details to follow...

1 comment:

joel said...

This post was written at my birthday time!

I am excited for the Summer 2018 reboot of the SeegerOlympics. I'd like to recommend some calculus that allows for team events (e.g. Claire & Joel vs. Andy & Kylie, or even Tim & Jen vs. Andy where competitors can play cooperatively).

Andy, I give you the assignment of figuring out how scoring might work in such a case... For example, if we play Scotland Yard and the person who is Mr. X wins, is that worth the same number of points as if Claire beats me at a game of H-O-R-S-E?

Also, is that you spell H-O-R-S-E? Or do you just write Horse?